Careful program planning by parents and students is of critical importance. A challenging program of studies prepares students for college or employment upon completion of their senior year. The complete listing of subjects offered can be found in the Course Descriptions section. Since some courses are not limited to specific grades, students may select any course that is offered except for those courses with prerequisites or where exceptions are noted. While selection of a program of studies is the primary responsibility of the student and his or her parents, students are well advised to consult with and make use of the broad experience and professional background of our faculty and school counseling staff. Also available for student and parent use is a wide variety of material such as college and career websites and the school counseling website including the Naviance program. Students and parents are also encouraged to make use of the school’s College and Career Center.
College Credit Programs
Advanced Placement (AP) Courses
The University of Connecticut - Early College Experience Program (ECE)
College Career Pathways Program (CCP)
Off-Campus College Credit Programs
Post-Secondary Planning
American College Testing Program (ACT) Grades 11, 12 (optional)
Advanced Placement Examinations Grades 10, 11, 12
SAT Reasoning Test Grades 11, 12
West Hartford Public Schools-to-Careers Partnership Program